BEE Does an Energy Mapping to Enhance Energy Efficiency Among SMEs
Under the BEE – SME Programme during the year 2017 – 2020 – the current state of awareness, perception, and responsiveness towards energy efficiency programmes of MSME segment in India, Energy
Efficiency interventions in the SME sector are yet to become the mainstream across the country. Although the energy-saving potential is immense in this sector which BEE intends to unlock, there is quite a challenge faced by Indian MSME entrepreneurs which are risk averseness, cumbersome documentation and lack of awareness/motivation. Following are the key activities under implementation –
- Technical Assistance and Capacity Building of energy-intensive SME sectors.
- Promoting Energy Efficiency and Technology Upgradation in SMEs through the ESCO route.
- Energy mapping of SME clusters on a pan India basis.
Due to continuous efforts of Bureau, SDAs and its stakeholders, MSMEs in India have started to shift from a traditional strictly cost and quality approach to energy efficiency, zero waste and reduced carbon emissions.
Further, for bringing more competitiveness and making this sector more energy-efficient, it is quintessential to understand the consumption of energy and its flow within the facility along with the classification of energy usage and its relationship to processes and production outputs in the present scenario. Thus, it is envisaged that the energy mapping of MSMEs will cover energy usage patterns, detailed analysis, and technology gap analysis.
The need for the same was also highlighted during a meeting under the chairmanship of Development Commissioner, Ministry of MSME. It was further agreed that O/o DC, MSME and BEE will ink a MoU for joint implementation of the program titled “Promoting Energy Security of MSME sector”.
Bureau has analyzed the list of MSME clusters in India. The tentative list of energy-intensive sectors/clusters of which energy mapping is envisaged is as follows: