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Achievements of the GEF – UNIDO – BEE programme till 2017

  • Energy Management Centres has been established under this project in 12 clusters, which in turn are be helpful to make regular energy audits in the SME units and capturing the potential of energy saving opportunities in the clusters.
  • The project has so far implemented a total of over 400 distinct energy saving projects and renewable energy options towards the felicitating cleaner and efficient energy uses in MSME units.
  • More than 350 Case Studies and DPRs are also prepared and shared across the MSME entrepreneurs of further implementation.
  • Implementation of more than 50 energy efficient technologies as pilot projects. Around Rs. 1 Crore have been sanctioned as grant for implementation of the pilot projects”.
  • More than 40 Workshops were organized on Best Operating Practices and Capacity Building of the Local Service Providers on energy efficient technologies.
  • The project has so far achieved annual energy savings of more than 8500 TOE with Annual monetary savings of 3802 Lakhs rupees.
  • Four international tours were also organized for adoption of best operating practices following in the world.
  • 187 units owners, plant managers, shop-floor personnel on energy auditing and best operating practices were provided hands-on training at NPC, Chennai
  • More than 800 Local service providers were strengthened through capacity building programmes.
  • Benchmarking report for Ceramic and Dairy sector were developed.
  • Facilitated installation one 100kWp Solar Photovoltaic power plant at Thangadh Ceramic Cluster and total installation reached 1 MWp.
  • Implemented 17 demo projects in 7 clusters with financial assistance of INR 87.9 Lakh.

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