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Demand Side Management (DSM) programs aid utilities in decreasing peak power acquisitions from the wholesale market, consequently reducing overall operational costs. Hence, it is imperative to provide capacity building and other forms of support to Distribution Companies (DISCOMs) to facilitate the effective implementation of DSM measures in their respective regions.

The program’s goal is to enhance the capability of DISCOMs in implementing Demand Side Management (DSM) measures within their designated regions. The ensuing accomplishments highlight the significant strides made under this initiative.

The major achievements under Capacity Building of DISCOMs program on Demand Side Management scheme till date are as follows:

Achievements Under DISCOMs Program:

In India, 108 distribution utilities (DISCOMs) are currently operating. Out of 108 DISCOMs, 57 are the state DISCOMs followed by 37 deemed DISCOMs and 14 private players. The capacity-building initiatives of BEE is crucial for DISCOMs to adapt the evolving industry trends, regulatory changes, and technological advancements. Capacity-building programme for the DISCOMs officials for participating 62 DISCOMs across 36 states/UTs in India is designed in such a way that it will enhance their skills, knowledge, and capabilities while working in the power distribution sector.

There are various components/measures can be possible for implementing DSM programme at utility periphery. Some of those are as follows:

BEE’s DSM measures implementation programme consists major activities like carrying out load research, finalization of DSM action plans, conducting the training of trainers (ToT) programmes to create master trainers, capacity building of circle level officials of DISCOMs and providing manpower support to DISCOMs and implementation of DSM measures at DISCOM’s periphery.

Identified measures and achievement of DSM programme

Identified major sectoral DSM measures at BEE’s DSM action plan :


Major Achievements in Phase – I and II of DSM programme:

FY 2023-24, this DSM programme is already kick-started Phase -III or measures implementation phase. In this phase, 33 DISCOMs are participating across 4 zones i.e., North, North-east, South, and West zone.