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Achievements of the GEF – WB – BEE programme till 2017

Overall, the project has created confidence among MSMEs, local banks and energy efficiency technology companies for carrying out energy efficiency projects in the SME sector. DPRs, Best Operating Practices, Common Monitorable Parameters and Case Studies were prepared for the selected MSME cluster which contains detailed information on technical and financial aspects of energy efficiency projects, so that the success of the pilot can be replicated elsewhere.

  • Technical Assistance to Energy Professionals (750 Nos.)
  • Training Programs for Bankers/FI on EE Projects and Appraisals (1120 nos. from 75 Govt., Private & Cooperative Banks / FIs / NBFCs)
  • More than 5000 MSME units are covered through various awareness and capacity building initiatives under this project along with a focused web-based knowledge management system and Web platform.
  • Annual Energy savings of 25000 TOE with average ROI of 18 months has been achieved under this project so far.
  • Implementation support to fifty (50) MSME units of Twenty (20) clusters was provided for implementation of ISO – 50001. More than 450 MSME entrepreneurs were trained during implementation process.
  • Three Hundred Fifty (350) energy saving measures were identified during implementation of ISO – 50001. Thus, annual saving of INR 900 Lakhs was estimated.
  • Knowledge Management Portal was redeveloped to showcase the success stories, key performance indicators, best operating practices, case studies etc.
  • 63 ‘Felicitation and Certification Programme cum Capacity Building Workshops’ on ‘Resource Efficiency and Cleaner Production’ were organised to felicitate top performing units in their respective industrial clusters under this project.
  • Approximately, 330 crores rupees of investment made by participating MSMEs to implement 3000 energy efficiency measures.
  • Mobile application to facilitate and enhance the auditing process for energy efficiency, lean manufacturing and cleaner production.
  • Developed Key Performance Indicators (KPI) and EE Benchmarks for the Paper (RFB), Ceramics (Tiles) and Forging sector.

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