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Fluid Edge Themes

Achievements of the BEE-SME programme till March 2017

a) Technological gap analysis and Strengthening of LSPs – The above activities lead to preparation of 375 Technology specific bankable DPRs enlisting energy efficiency technologies, which were identified through a technology gap assessment study conducted in 35 energy intensive SME clusters belonging to 12 SME sectors (List enclosed at Annexure – 1). Local service providers were also identified to provide the energy efficient technologies in the clusters, detailed cluster specific manuals were prepared to serve as baseline reports to attract various stake holders towards energy efficiency improvements, particularly in SMEs clusters of India.

b) Unleashing the Large Potential in SME sector: BEE has implemented energy efficient technologies as demo projects in 21 units of 4 selected clusters for further replication of the technologies across the sector. The list of these clusters is at Annexure – 2. These implementations led to savings of more than 1100 TOE per year with further replication potential of 74,824 TOE in 4 clusters.

c) Best Operating Practices and Common Monitorable Parameters – For upbringing the behavioural changes towards energy efficiency, documents like Best Operating Practices, Common Monitorable Parameters, Case Studies were developed in consultation of SME entrepreneurs. These documents are also circulated to SMEs of these clusters.

d) Dissemination of EE technologies and Awareness: More than 60 Capacity building cum Knowledge dissemination programme were organised in SME clusters for dissemination of available energy efficient technologies in SME sectors. National Summit on Energy Efficiency in SMEs was also organized in consultation with leading stakeholders for further scaling up the project for transformational results.

e) Identification of Local Service Providers and Suppliers: About 70 local service providers were identified for offering services and supplies of various technologies in 5 clusters for ensuring the replication of the identified technologies in the clusters.

f) Multimedia Learning approach – To promote knowledge of energy efficiency efficiently and effectively among the SME entrepreneurs, six multimedia tutorials are developed. These tutorials also have a real techno-economic analysis and savings that may be realised after adopting the technology. To cover more SME sectors, fifty multimedia tutorials are in production phase.

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